The experience gained
at the service of our work
Our Services
I.R.E.M.A. Lift srl, Company with experience handed down since 1963, today devotes all its energies to offering organized and specialized quality services
Replacing the handrail
The guides he roller heads he input ambulation The traction belt ensioning rollers he steps Centering and sliding rollers ension chain and idlers balustrade glass control roller traction sheave Filtering LightsAnd run: Handrail passage guides cleaning Re-gumming handrail pulley Handrail polishing
AD-ROLLER is a technology, which enables highly efficient advertising on so far unproductive moving infrastructure: on escalators, walkways and cash conveyor belts. Owners of locations, advertisers, business partners/licensees and even their customers benefit from this innovative technology – ad-roller creates a win-win-situation for all of them....
Over time, the oil used in the hydraulic elevators of the lift becomes more and more impure (deposits of particles and water) and less effective (due to the numerous changes in pressure and temperature) compromising the correct operation and durability of the hydraulic power unit . What to do? Let's say: why replace oil in hydraulic systems prematurely when it is less expensive and more environmentally friendly? "ÌRigenerato" is a periodic preventive maintenance service lasting two years, designed to quickly regenerate and eco-regenerate the hydraulic lifting oil without replacing it.
Anti-Slip Treatment
Are systems of safe and comfortable handling but their surfaces sometimes, under certain conditions atmospheric conditions such as bad weather can make the increase the chances that passengers on metal surfaces. The slip resistance is a characteristic that falls on the safety and on the health of users. La resistenza allo scivolamento è una caratteristica che ricade sulla sicurezza e sulla salute degli utilizzatori....
“ISanificato-STM” offers more hygiene and more respect for the people. We program cleaning, washing and sanitizing of carpets and escalators with specific and certified equipment that, in addition to washing, release at the end of the treatment a film of pure mono-molecular silicon with very resistant electrostatic adhesion on any type of surface and material , without interfering with the protected material. Through this service we operate on two fronts....
"ISanificato-FA" offers more hygiene and more respect for the people. We plan the cleaning and sanification of the elevator pits to comply with the laws, in fact the D.P.R. 1497/63 and the former 626, speak of the healthiness of the workplace, making the simple and simple periodic cleaning obviously ineffective. Through this service we operate on two fronts...
“ILiwire” offers more security, more peace of mind and more attention to people. We plan the control and analysis of the traction cables of your lifts. Through this service we operate on two fronts: Comfort: preventing the shutdown of the system due to a prescription of the control body Safety: eliminating the cause of a possible danger to the health of your customers
“IRicarico” offers more security, more peace of mind and more attention to people. We plan to replace the buffer batteries you supply on all your systems. Through this service we operate on two fronts: Comfort: your customer will always have guaranteed the services provided in the absepower. Safety: eliminating the cause of a possible malfunction of the planned distress signals...